It is time to listen to Aboriginal people. It is time to appreciate our spirituality, to hear our cries and see our oppresion, and to share it. It is time to respect and honour our spirituality completely and without reservation - just as we are willing to respect your roots."
~The Reverend Djiniyini Gondara, Australian Aboriginal Writer
"If we try to understand and sensibly appreciate Native myth and legend we must be willing, first of all, to accept that there is involved here a very special way of 'seeing the world'. Secondly, and a necessary further step, we must make an attempt to 'participate' in this way of seeing."
"There seems to be a vital link, then, for the Ojibwa, between mythical times and the present. In fact, it might be said that mythical times become present when we approach the realm of the sacred through the dream of the vision quest. Perhaps this can be expressed as simultaneous realities. What we have called mythical time is eternally present, and it occurs simultaneously with our present."
James Dumont, an Anishinaabe scholar
"Our myths and legends have told us that a time would come when our wisdom was needed to save the planet and we believe that time is now."
Native Elders through a book by Anne Wilson Schaef: "Native Wisdom for White Minds".

Ancient meteorite impact
Creation of Temagami and Misabi
Cy Warman
How God made TEMAGAMI
Aleck Paul, second Chief of Timagami band
recorded by Dr. F.Speck in 1913
Family Hunting Territories of Timagami Band
Iroquois painted pictures in the rocks on river and lake shores
Grace Rajnovich, a researcher and writer:
Tale of O-bawb-ika Lake's Pictograph
David (Old) Missabie came from where it is now Toronto
Old Missabie - a medicine man
Use of fire
Oral history relating to the Iroquois: Temagami River Fight, Lake Temagami Chase and Battle, Rabbit Lake Fight, Stinking Islands Battle, Island Lookout Pits, Temagami Island Indian Burial Ground, Wabun Pits Site
How map of Family Hunting Territories of Timagami Band was drawn.
How Old Missabie shut down operations of a logging camp
Iroquois battles and lookout pits
Evidence presented by Teme-Augama Anishnabai in Bear island Foundation vs Attorney General for Ontario trial during Land Claim process
Sacred places of Teme-Augama Anishnabai.
Nanabush Footprints.
Scroll Cave.
Devil's Armchair.
Timagami Folk-Lore
Tale of Obabika Lake
Origin of Constellation Fishing Star (Ursa Major aka Big Dipper)
Young Loon
The Giant Pike
Marry a Star
Lynx and His Two Wives
Story of Seal Rock
Rabbit, Lynx and Fisher
Snaring the Sun
The Origin of Snakes
The Origin of Bats
Muskrat Warns the Beaver
Story of a Hunter
Story of a Fast Runner
Story of a Hunter and Seven Deer
More stories to appear!...
Nenebuc (Nanabojou, Manabozho), the Transformer
The Magic Birth of Nenebuc and His Four Brothers
Nenebuc Tempers the Wind
Nenebuc Starts Travelling, Changes the Colour of the Partridge Family, and Originates Rock Tripe from his Scabs for the Benefit of the People
Nenebuc Prepears a Feast and Gets Caught Between Two Trees, While the Animals Receive a Distribution of Fat
Nenebuc Gets Caught in the Bear's Skull
Nenebuc Wounds the Giant Lynx, Disguises Himself in a Toad's Skin, and Finally Slays Her
The Giant Lynx causes the World Flood and Gathers the Animals on a Raft; Muskrat Dives for Earth, which Nenebuc Transforms into a New World
Nenebuc Sends Crow Out, for Disobedience Changes Him Black and Gull Partly Black, then Retires to the West, until he Will Return Again