Anishnabai of Temagami
Madeline Theriault

Born in a tent on Bear island, lake Temagami, in 1908, Madeline Katt Theriault recalls an earlier independent and traditional lifestyle in the Land.

This book is a delightful autobiography of an Ojbway woman who shares her life's journey in very readable and organized style from her childhood on Bear Island, through the changes that white encroachment made in her peoples lifestyle, through involvement in the tourist industry including the making of a movie "The Silent Enemy," through her marriage and raising of children and grandchildren and her ordeals with tuberculosis. In the final anaylsis, Ka Kita Wa Pa No Kew (her Objway name) gives equal credit and blame where it is due to all the people with whom she interacted in her life. A great, easy read for Indian History fans or scholars and anyone interested in the triumphs of the human spirit-- especially ones that survive to Senior Citizen status with a happy heart.

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Moose To Moccasins: The Story of Ka Kita Wa Pa No Kwe. 1992