The Land of Deep Water - Temagami
This work is based and was inspired by my experience of the Land and people who take care of it. I am a lucky man to be awarded such experience, all of which was great! I am honoured to have friends and traditional family support from Bear island. -
Miigwich - Thank you! :
- Elder Lawrence Twain for spiritual guidence and support.
- Elder Woody Becker for dog Nimush and all kinds of support and useful information.
- Katt family, Bear island - for your support and understanding.
- Leo James Paul, for the shelter and food when I was in need, sharing with me visions of the Land and your steady support.
- Alex Mathias for sharing the knowledge about the Land,help in understanding and wise advise.
Gloria Katt, Temagami First Nation, Bear Island: for your hospitality and understanding
- Friends from Bear island, for your support and sharing with me your time, which was always great.
- Camp Wanapitei, lake Temagami
- Obabika Lake Lodge
- and many people: Tree People, Winged People, Stone People, Animal People, Water People who assist me in transportation, accomodation and inspiration.
- Gloria Katt, Bear island, Temagami lake
- Mary Katt, Bear island, Temagami lake
- Woody Becker, Bear island, Temagami lake
- Lawrence Twain, Makominising (Bear) island, Temagami lake
- Alex Mathias of Obabika Lake and his family, Temagami
- Leo Paul, Manitou lake, Temagami
- Tom Friday, Bear island, Temagami lake
- Doug Turner , Makominising island, Temagami lake
- Sevan , Wakimika (Waw-kaym-ika) Lake, Temagami
- Bruce Clark, LL.B., M.A., Ph.D.
- Ed MacPherson of Guelph, Ontario
- Kim Cowan of Kitchener, Ontario
- Dr. F.G. Speck, anthropologist
- James Morrison, ethnohistorian and researcher
- Thor Conway, regional archeologist with the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture
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Makominising (Bear) Island aka Bear Island Federal Indian Reserve #1, Ontario, Canada
Temagami Lake - Toronto, Ontario
Last updated: January 2006