Land of Deep Water - Temagami

Blockades of Red Squirrel logging Road in 1988-1989
by Teme-Augama Anishnabai (Temagami First Nation)

north of Lake Temagami, north-eastern Ontario, Canada

Temagami Ojibwa Flag TAA flag

"Our biggest goal is to remain a distinct people, we must preserve our tribal motherland. It gives us our identity. It is our soul in religious aspects."

Chief Gary Potts, 1982

Teme-Augama Anishnabai on Red Squirrel Road blockade
Chief Gary Potts lights the fire while Michael Paul is offering a prayer in tobacco burning ceremony.
Cedar leaf
Map of Red Squirrel Road blockades
Map of blockades from

Fire at blockade
Signs say:

Stop the death roads. We are owners of Ka Daki Menan not the undertakers. Caretakeres of NDaki Menan.

Walter Becker at the road blockade
Signs say:

Road closed by authority Teme Augama Anishnabai, Owners for 6000 years.
Our destiny lies within our land the true lasting good of man!
If land rape continues what's left for our future?

Closing the road
Drumming at the blockade

Petition by scientists to stop logging in Temagami

  • Circles of Time. Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario. David McNab.
  • Temagami Experience
  • Temagami Wilderness Society