Natural Remedies in Temagami:

What to use to heal body and soul in boreal forest in north-eastern Ontario

Wild rose of Temagami

Based on traditional use of natural remedies by Teme-Augama Anishnabai ( People of Temagami First Nation) and russian folk medicine.
Eastern white cedar Easter white cedar is very widespread. Cedar leafs are used to combat cough, any throat problems and colds.

cedar leaf

Taken as tea from cedar leafs, hot or cold.
Tea is very refreshing and has a pleasant odor.

wild roser Wild rose grows on sandy open places and along rivers.

Petals are great for fragnant teas, can be dried for winter use. Beneficial for a heart muscle. Berries are great source of vitamins and can be dried in the sun.

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EmailEmail Neodim Neodim Kollobok. Temagami, 2002-2005
Last updated in April of 2005

visitors since spring of 2005!