Declaration of Russian Indianists

We are the people!

Brothers and sisters! While carrying out our ceremonies we say: "We are all relatives!"

In words of gratitude we praise Creator and all Nature around for letting us prosper on this Earth where we are joined by family ties with all living creatures.

We are the people who grew up on Native American cultural values which we cherish in our hearts for many years.

We have created and are creating our own life values and traditions which help us survive during all years of existence of our movement.

We have received our life experience and gained certain knowledge of the Great Red Road which we direct towards benefits for our people, our children and descendants.

We have acquired this Knowledge as a gift from Creator and must preserve it carefully and pass it on to people.

We pay great price for our loyalty to Him - with our health, position in society, pain of losses and disillusions, all our life.

We walked thorny way of getting together in clubs, communities, organizations, a spiritual communality has been established.

We carry out sacred ceremonies of Pipe and Inipi for the sake of purification and unity, for our children and all our relatives from the world of Nature.

We have become fathers and mothers, children grow up in our circle and need our care, and we need their respect.

What we have created has become for many a foothold in life, it directs us along the Great Red Road and constitutes our hope , faith and aspiration - our celebration of Pow Wow.

We call for all, who consider themselves a part of our people, we call for the sake of blessed bringing up of our children and continuation of the Red Road.

We have become witnesses of various distortions, speculations and desecration by alcohol of our spiritual values, our Knowledge which we and our brothers and sisters gained through much suffering in times of relentless tribulations.

Foe a long time we have been witnesses how this desecration brings decay to our people like increasing chaos in the whole World.

We are aware that the future of Pow Wow is in danger and thus we do not wish to distort our celebration by wasting time.

We know that our movement is facing a crisis, which we can escape only by uniting efforts with those in whom vibrates the Spirit of Unity of our people.

We are aware that the time has come to defend our spiritual values and bring desecration of our sacred places to an end because our very survival depends on this.

We appeal to our brothers and sisters to open up eyes and ears, realize our words entirely in order to renew one's strength and courage to face the evil - intolerance, vulgarity, ignorance, drunkenness.

We appeal to the hearts of those who are close to us since the making of an unified decision depends on every one of us.

We know that this is a much suffered choice and we unite our thoughts and accept this Declaration in accordance with the chosen Red Road.

With all the responsibility we declare the following:

We are the people who carry the knowledge of the Red Road based on Native American cultural values.

We consider the camp of Pow Wow as our Shrine in which we enter for purification and unity with each other.

We are present in this Shrine to communicate with Creator so we can together follow the Great Red Road no matter how few of us.

We accept values of the Red Road in order to live in Goodness, Beauty and Respect with all living creatures, in the Whole Harmony of Existence.

We walk the Red Road for the sake of our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, children and elders, ancestors and descendants, so this Knowledge could join together experience of many generations for the benefit of our people, our Mother Earth and all humankind.

We are open to communication with all people who seek, who will need our life values, our experience and our Knowledge, everything which was acquired by us for the benefit of our people.

We consider unacceptable a desecration of our tipi, inipi, pipes and any other sacred places by alcohol, narcotics and swearing , for such a desecration does not serve us and our children any good .

We consider unacceptable such a disgraceful desecration of our camping grounds, our prayers and ceremonies, our songs and dances, our Mother-Earth because all of them are sacred.

We intend to keep the spirit of our ceremonies and carry them out in purity so our children can perceive them by a heart and from higher forces learn love and respect to all living.

We stand out against any manifestation of speculation, commercial exploitation and distortion of our activity by mass media.

We are ready to provide support to people in need of healing from vices of modern society, striving to acquire the knowledge of the Red Road.

We are calling our brothers and sisters to support us not in words but in action and combine our efforts in order not to divert from the Red Road.

We realize our predestination and wish the values of the Red Road to be carried by our children, for their sake we bind ourselves by these commitments.

We unite our thoughts for the sake of the future of our children, all our people, being held responsible to all living creatures so they continue prospering at the will of Creator in accordance with the Sacred Laws of the Universe.

We are all relatives!

Red Road

Black Raven, , Eagle Feather, Bear Paw, Pipe Stone, Red Wolf, Vicious Bobcat, Wapiti, War Headdress, Seven Moose, Small Hawk, Left Hand, Wandering Coyote, Blue Eagle, Calling Moose, Great Baby Bobcat, Oksenotoh, Running Eagle, Wild Cat, Eagle Whistle, Singing Doe, Fast Creek, Star Dew, Dancing Fox, Mato Sapa, Wandering Spirit, Cold Fire, Spotted Bison, Crazy Wolf, Carnation Flower, Moon Woman, White she-Wolf, Knife, Wandering Raven, Black Bison, Sunset Catcher, White Stallion, Quiet Thunder, Black Bear Moose, Owl with Open Wings, Red Wolf Jr. and many others.

Original Declaration text:
Translated from Russian by Neodim Kollobok, October 2005.
Email Neodim