Friday July 25/08

Court File 4111998077422



Darcy Becker

Haileybury Court

1.Statement of Intent to Sue, also arguements to be used Aug.5/08, Trial R.vs Becker.
2.Denial of Treaty Rights under Section 109, Courts of Justice Act.
3.Courts(Ont.) Haileybury are in Complicity in Culture & Genocide Acts on Native People Rights & Lands.
4.Bear Island Reserve is in a Police State by using Chief John McKenzie of T.A.A. and as a officer of your Police Force in Political Activity( Misconduct 80.(1)(b) Police Service Act R.S.O. 1990 C.P. P.15 and also Misbehaviour). See attachments 3 pages.
5.All charges laid and involved in by Constable John McKenzie are nullities and void, being Chief & an Officer of Ontario's Law Program.
6.Courts, Ontario Governments still continue to Usurp Jurisdiction on Native People Lands & Rights by trying to make Us Canadians.
7.Violation of Article 40, Capitulation of Montreal 1760, Foreign Affairs Office, Ottawa, and by Ottawa & Ontario bringing claims against the Temagami(Timiskaming) Algonquin's.
8.Miscarriage of Justice in the Bear Island Case 1984, wrong people putting it to Court.
9.Black Acres Law protects Whitebears Land, also Vidal Anderson Report 1848 & 1849, and 1897 Privy Council Case, were the other Temagami Ojibwa's Case was Adjudicated upon from the District of Algoma.(Fraud).
10.Rightful Heirs & Successors would be a clear title if Justice was left in Lands Titles Division, North Bay Court.
11.Many, many arguements left out and all other arguements, the Federal Court will hear., also Neglect by Feds. to participate in Regina vs. Becker Case.
12.Written & Oral arguements.
13.Change History to proper History of Timagami, Algonquin History.


 Signed Sherwood Becker Sr.


  Sherwood Becker Sr.

  For Darcy Becker.



  Copied from Original, Filed with the Crown Attorney's.

  Sherwood Becker Sr. A.K.A. Woody, Woodrow